Fast and Slow

1 & 2. Homegrown flowers, 3. Making hammered leaf prints, 4. A basket full of decorations, 5. Our Christmas tree, 6. Christmas baking traditions, 7. Holiday reading, 8 - 11. Carnation capilary food dye experiment.

December always seems to whirl by in a flurry of decorations, traditions, work and family, and so it was again this year. I find myself overwhelmed by the end of the month, grateful for that blissful window between Christmas and New Years where everything seems to be on hold. A chance to reflect, relax, envision. Then there is the joy and anticipation of the New Year, full of promise and clean slates. I find I always start the year on a high of optimism that carries me through several months. 

I have already started the New Year with a new diary and a new haircut. I have scrubbed my kitchen, cleaned my fridge, culled and organised my wardrobe, spent my Christmas gift vouchers on new clothes and underwear. I'll have a blood test, update my glasses, service my car. All those nagging and necessary parts of being a grown up that once done bring such a sense of satisfaction and make for a fresh start for the year ahead.

I've no resolutions for the New Year, only a word that I will carry with me throughout the days and bring my focus and intention back to as often as I can. Previously, my word was 'nurture', as I nurtured my family, my business, my health. This year, my word is 'slow'. A simple and gentle reminder to slow down and not get caught up in busy. To slow down our cooking and eating, resulting in less prepackaged food and more home grown and cooked from scratch. To slow down our pace, walking more and driving less. To slow down on the number of activities so as to allow white space for pottering, exploration and creativity. To slow down and enjoy the time that unschooling offers to learn from life and my children. To slow down and spend time in this space, recording my thoughts and capturing moments that I will reflect on with gratitude in the future. 

I have so many photos and stories yet to share, and now that I am once again embracing slow, I will be here more often to share them. xx

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